Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club

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Last Sunday, on April 30th, as part of the Kyiv’s Unbroken Half Marathon by Run Ukraine, a 20-year-old Polish runner Kosma Zalewski organized a performance in support of Ukraine – he ran the entire half marathon distance dressed as a Spartan and he was shouting the slogan “This is Ukraine” during the race. In doing so, he expressed his admiration of Ukrainians.

The idea for the performance came to Kosma some time before, and after starting a fundraiser of 1000 zloty to support Ukraine, he pledged to complete the half marathon dressed as a Spartan, even worn in sandals!

“I really enjoyed Kyiv,” Kosma shared his impressions. “Today I visited Viktor Yanukovych’s museum of corruption, and it made me think about how society can solve its problems. I am very concerned about Ukrainians and intend to return to an unoccupied Ukraine, ideally as a member of the European Union”.

Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club

Did you feel afraid about the trip to Kyiv because of air alarms and missile strikes?

Everyone I spoke to in Poland warned me against traveling to Ukraine. They told me it was too dangerous and that I should stay far away. But being a brave and adventurous person like I am, I have decided to go anyway. And I was positively surprised. I expected to be tiptoeing around landmines all the time, but instead, I found myself travelling to the Chornobyl Museum with a Polish-speaking guide, listening to a viola concert at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, and partying in nightclubs. I met people, forged a friendships, and witnessed a genuinely warm community, which I would never expect to be engaged in the conflict. So, although I know the potential for a missile strike and the constant presence of hostilities, I did not feel terrified. The danger exists, but life continues.

Are you planning any other running performances?

Undoubtedly! This activity is fantastic. Helping the Polish-Ukrainian cause keeps me motivated to work off the calories from Vareniki, my favorite Ukrainian snack sold at “Puzata Hata”. So, while training for the race, I can eat a lot while also helping people – like a perpetual motion. I haven’t decided yet who will be my next hero, but it will involve running a long distance. This campaign reached thousands more people than the previous one, in my opinion, due to the location. So, why not pay another visit to my fellow Ukrainians?

This is not the first such experience for this Polish runner. Last month he ran the Warsaw Half Marathon dressed as the movie character Forrest Gump and also raised some funds to support Ukraine.

Photo Run Ukraine