Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club

Mykola Nyzhnyk was one of the main contenders for gold at the Ukrainian championship in the ten thousand meters, but ultimately he finished sixth and didn`t make it into the team for the European Cup

The Tough Athletics was able to talk with Mykola:

Why didn’t it work out in Uzhgorod in the ten thousand meters?

When we returned to Ukraine after the half marathon in Lisbon, I didn’t feel entirely healthy. Better than my daughter, who had a temperature of 39 degrees for several days. But my functional state was not very good because training before the championship was quite difficult. I didn’t want to miss the competition, so decided to run in the state he was in. The race itself was difficult from the first meters.

Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club
Біговий клуб у Києві - Track & Speed Club

What are your plans for the season?

After returning from the championship, the whole family fell ill, so I was probably on the verge of getting sick in Uzhgorod. I was supposed to run the half marathon at Run Ukraine on April 30, but withdrew due to illness. As for my plans, I want to focus on the 5000 meters and run them quickly at the summer championship. And in the fall, I would like to run a marathon, but doing so without mountain training will be quite difficult. Therefore, I doesn’t have big plans yet.